Professor: Dr. Congdi Li
The importance of the skill of applying mathematics in variable kind of science fields is more and more sensible. Whatever in the research of physics theory or the basic of the law of economics, the mathematics really plays a necessary role. Our programme apply oneself to give the education not only about the method of further researching of mathematics, but also combining the other subjects to solve the real problems with using the mathematics knowledges you’ve already studied.
what you’ll learn from our program:
- The analysis of investment choice in stock market
- Simple mathematical programming
- Vector and Matrix
- Sets and numbers
- Calculus
- Introduction to Statistical Modeling
- Probability
- Stochastics Processes

- Financial problems are based on the mathematics and statistics. We have the best resources in dealing with tricky risk management and help you to have the skill of recognizing the best investment choices.
- We also have the co-operation with some famous investment organizations such as Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and City Bank of New York.
- The programming is also a necessary method for modern science research. In this case, you will understand the using of programming and get the ability of makig simple software.
- The computer can solve a lot of complex Statistics problems. You will learn how to create tools with pycharms to solve questions like linear regression or logistic regression.

We hope that these subjects can provide you some convenience in your future job choice. And we believe that these lessons will make you a different vision to the mathematics and statistics world!